We just got home from Ottawa and Katrine is finally asleep so I thought that I should take a moment and update our blog and bring everyone up to date.
We drove to Ottawa yesterday and Katrine slept part of the way so it wasn’t too bad. After checking into our hotel, we headed out for a walk. We took Katrine to the Parliment buildings and then to the canal. Our timing was perfect as we got to see a bunch of boats going through the locks. Katrine was fascinated by it all, especially the ducks swimming inbetween the boats. It was an entertaining walk as we were walking infront of a wedding party which was being piped from the church to the canal for their photos.
Then we met one of the families from Katrine’s travel group for dinner. At first the girls were shy with eachother and then they spent about half an hour playing “chase me” around the tables giggling and laughing. After dinner Katrine did some crafts at the hotel’s Kiddie Playroom and we headed out once again to see the light show a the Parliment builidings. Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulities and a bug bite we had to leave shortly after the start of the show. Katrine however, was extremely impressed by the portion which we did manage to see.
This morning we were awoken by a bubbly toddler asking about the picnic and going home. Doesn’t sound odd except that it was 5:30 in the morning. Thank goodness for fruit loops. After breakfast we drove to the picnic site to begin a morning of bubbles, face painting, sliding, bouncing and much more. We were able to visit with the Terzis once more and Julia and Katrine enjoyed playing in the bubble soap while Julia’s dad blew bubbles for them. We also had the opportunity to meet the Zernentsch family who are part of Group 268. That was very exciting. Their daughter Rachel and Katrine had fun playing with some balloons and sharing snacks.
We had originally planned on staying until Monday so that we could get together with another family from Group 204 but it was not to be. Katrine has been battling ‘lower intestinal symptoms’ since Wednesday and it was getting to be a bit too much so we packed up and headed home.